Virtual Fitness Consultation

Virtual Fitness Consultation


Before we can begin training, I need for us to get to know each other, as well as, learn more about your needs and goals. We will schedule a date and sit down in the comforts of our home or meet in-person, at the IAF247 training studio, and discuss all of your health and wellness concerns. Together we will devise a plan that will best suit you and your needs, as well as, set you up to succeed and succeed big!!

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There are no refunds for consultations.  If you must reschedule, please do so 24 hours prior to the confirmed date.  If you do not adhere to that 24 hour request you will forfeit your consultation, and would need to complete another form and pay for another date and time.  We are an appointment based business, so please do your best to follow our instructions to make your process with us a smooth and successful one.  Thank you!