I Am Fitness 24-7: Shortcut to Shed.

Here's a topic that makes it way into everyday conversation at some point or another, because we all are constantly on a quest to gain muscle and lose body fat.  I don't care who you ask, the majority of people will quickly assume they aren't getting in an adequate amount of protein into their diet.  And even though that may be a very true and factual component, it is definitely a bit more complex than that simple response.  

Wrapping your mind around the necessities to a healthy diet and fitness regimen can seem overwhelming, but I'm hoping this break down opens your eyes to what our bodies need, verses what it can ultimately do without.  There are too many men with low testosterone and growth hormone deficiency who are struggling immensely to gain muscle, lose body fat, and live a decent, more enjoyable life. And the similar applies to the women, however we are jam packed with estrogen, and the fight to lose body fat, gain lean sexy muscle, and live a decent enjoyable life. 

Surprisingly enough, you all can overcome such a decline and naturally improve your hormonal environment.  The best place to start is with your nutrition.  Join me as I give a breakdown on how to get your alpha male and female to evolve.  

Carbs; schmarbs

Ah yes, the carbohydrate debate.  I don't care where you look, read, or tune in, carbohydrates are a the focal point of the nutrition discussion.  The reputation they have is really not a good one, especially considering many popular diets are all geared around low or no carbs.  Let's keep it real here, carbs as a whole are not bad, however there are several different forms of carbohydrates, and understanding them will be the first step to increasing muscle gain and decreasing fat loss.  The worst form of carbs are the highly processed ones.  I mean foods that are now a molecule away from NOT being edible.  French fries without being highly processed aren't bad.  Submerge those bad boys in some saturated fat and you my friend have eaten who knows what.

If I could keep it simple for you there are two types of carbohydrates: simple and complex.  Carbs are sugar molecules your body breaks down into fuel for energy, most effectively when you are working hard. Oh let me not fail to mention there's a such thing as fibrous carbohydrates.  These are found in your green veggies and root veggies.  These carbs and calories in my opinion don't need to be counted.  Like seriously, who do you know gained weight from eating vegetables. LOL! 15yrs in this business, and I will never tell someone that natural foods such as vegetables are horrible for your diet.  Eat more of them; the benefits are amazing.

Here's the sticky on Simple Carbs

Anything like syrup, sweetened soda, or table sugar should be avoided at all cost. Ok that's an extreme, but seriously, do your gut a massive favor by eliminating these foods from your life.  It clearly isn't worth adding to your belly expansion.

Simple carbohydrates aren’t the best, however our bodies are capable of breaking it down to sugar to fuel us, and the bigger issue is how fast our bodies metabolize what we consume. Blood sugar spikes and things of that nature happen when our bodies metabolize the food we feed it slower.  Consumimg more of the healthy foods makes the metobolic break down a bit easier, and the food is now adequate fuel for energy and our muscles. 


A Tad More Complex

It's not just the type of carbohydrate that matters when it comes to healthy hormones and metabolism, but rather how quickly your body can break it down and how much it will spike your blood glucose levels, right? RIGHT! Neither low-carb diets nor low-GI (glycemic index) diets are a magic pill for fat loss; the main thing is to eat the right amount of healthy foods that fuel metabolism, which in turn will help you burn fat. And GI is just some fancy method of rating carbohydrates and how they’re processes.  Another important component to remember is that your body really needs carbs, even if some of the fad/popular diets tell you otherwise. Without carbohydrates, your body will begin to break down muscle tissue to fuel your body, which could sabotage your efforts to build muscle and transform your physique into that immaculate fit gawd!! 

More importantly, the problem with carbs is eating them alone. Instead, you should consume them with protein, preferably lean protein.  Eating carbs and protein together slows the rate of digestion of the carbs, lowers the glycemic or insulin response, and offsets some of the negatives that come with carbohydrate consumption.

So, if you are following my program “Shortcut to Shed” do yourself a service and do not quit.  Eat and time your meals properly, and allow these two weeks to transform your old eating and exercising habits into new ones.  If you are interested in joining the many people who have already successfully completed my program, Cash App $25 to ($Naesofit) and include your email in the (For:) tab, and it’ll be coming your way ASAP.